a glimpse of Palangkaraya
Palangkaraya is the capital of Central Kalimantan Province. Palangkaraya is the only municipality that was inaugurated by the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno. Palangkaraya consists of two words “Palangka” and “Raya”. Palangka, in other words “Palangka Bulau” means a large holy ship. In the basin lies an ornament of hornbills, a sacred bird in the Kalimantan region. The Dayak tribe believes that Ranying Hatalla Langit (God) used a holy ship to bring the first humans to earth. “Raya” means very big and broad. So, Palangkaraya means a very large holy ship.
Geographically, Palangkaraya is located between 113 ° 30′- 114 ° 07 ‘East Longitude 1 ° 35′- 2 ° 24’ South Longitude. It covers 2,678.51 m2 (267,851 hectares), and develops into the largest municipality in Indonesia. Among other cities, Palangkaraya is a city that has a transmigration area and villages that dominate the area. Due to its geographical location which is quite safe from major natural disasters where local culture also contributes to the sustainability of the community. The land is demographically even with several hills or mountains and is separated by the Kahayan River. The tropical forests around Palangkaraya create magical greenery that is even more beautiful.