Have you ever heard of the Koran River?

Located in Central Kalimantan, the Koran River is a part of the Sebangau National park. This river is named after a person whose name is Koran. He is commonly spotted fishing on the river, the local villager then names the river after him. 

The peatland forest at the Koran River typically can reach the deep of 5 meters up to 7 meters. But the deepest depth that is recorded is 17 meters. So it is very dangerous for the peat to catch on fire, because it can lead to something disastrous like the whole peat disappears and ruins the forest floor. But how can a soil catch on fire? Because it is mostly made of decomposed organic matters, like leaves, fruits and tree branches, that is why it can catches on fire. 

It is home to the Pandanus plant, usually called the Rasau plant or tree by the local people. Its fruits have a unique looking exterior and is believed to be able to relieve arthritis, headache, prevent heart disease and many more. 

You can also find the Ramin tree here. Back when illegal logging was rampant, the price of the Ramin wood is believed to be one of the highest. The last recorded illegal logging activities was around 2005 – 2006.

The Bajakah wood can be found here. It is believed to have the ability to lower the chance of cancer, stop diabetes, improve our immune system and cure muscle soreness. 

There is also the Gaharu or the Agarwood inside the forest. Because of the the resinous dan fragrant inside, this wood is usually used to make aromatic, incense and perfume. Did you also know that agarwood can fossilize? It is definitely an interesting fact!

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You can also find Fragrant Pandan plant here, Orangutans loves to eat the white part of this plant. You may think that orangutans eats banana and stuff, while they can eat a banana, in the wilds they commonly eat bugs, wild berries and others wild plants that they can find.

You can find many wild animals here, such as Orangutans, bears, wild boar, deer, and snakes. On the river, you may also find the Kingfisher bird. The Kingfisher loves to hang around the river because their main diet is fish.

Isn’t it amazing that you can find all of that in a single place?

That is why we need to preserve such places. This is the Heart of Borneo, this is the beauty of Central Kalimantan’s nature. Let us visit and explore the Koran River at the Sebangau National Park and experience the beauty of Central Kalimantan nature together.

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